Updated 3.26.25: Dino Reveal assortment added.
If your head is spinning from all the excitement of new Jurassic World Rebirth and Chaos Theory toys, we’re here to help. Check out Collect Jurassic’s 2025 Toy Checklist featuring HD galleries and where to buy links for all of Mattel’s Jurassic figure ranges, including Hammond Collection and more! Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often — we’ll be updating and adding new information daily.
Still looking for something from last year? Head over to the 2024 Epic Evolution Toy Checklist and complete your collection!
Jump To Core Toyline:
Rebirth/Chaos Theory Legacy Collection Reimagined Ultimate Damage Hammond Collection
Jump To Other Assortments:
Super Colossal Primal Protector Matchbox Micro Adventure Dino Reveal
Rebirth/Chaos Theory
Danger Pack
Wave 1:
Lophostropheus – Walmart*
Jakapil – Amazon*
Dsungaripterus – Amazon*
Dimetrodon – Coming Soon
Wave 2:
Guemesia – Walmart*
Hypsilophodon – Coming Soon
Farlowichnus – Coming Soon
TBD Wave:
Torvoneustes – Coming Soon
Iani Smithi – Coming Soon
Dentaneosuchus – Coming Soon
Rugops Primus – Coming Soon
Strike Attack
Wave 1:
Huayangosaurus – Walmart*
Pyroraptor – Amazon* | Walmart*
Thapunngaka – Walmart*
Herrerasaurus – Amazon*
Wild Roar
Wave 1:
Kryptops – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Ceratosuchops – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Kentrosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Pteranodon – Amazon* | Walmart* | Entertainment Earth
Wave 2:
Nasutoceratops – Coming Soon
Baryonyx – Coming Soon
Utahraptor – Coming Soon
Maiasaura – Coming Soon
TBD Wave:
Aucasaurus – Coming Soon
Spiclypeus – Coming Soon
Euplocephalus – Coming Soon
Abelisaurus – Coming Soon
Gigantic Trackers & Thrashers
Wave 1:
Suchomimus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Styxosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Wave 2:
Tyrannotitan – Coming Soon
Eotriceratops – Coming Soon
TBD Wave:
Purrusaurus – Coming Soon
Chilantaisaurus – Coming Soon
Chaos Theory Multi Packs
Suchomimus Protector Pack (Ben) – Coming Soon
Darius & Baryonyx Peril Pack – Target
Story Packs
Dr. Henry Loomis & Juvenile Pteranadon – Coming Soon
Zora Bennett & Velociraptor – Coming Soon
Launch ‘N Battle Vehicle Set with Martin Krebs & Velociraptor – Coming Soon
Slash ‘N Roar Therizinosaurus
Therizinosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Aerial Ambush™ Quetzalcoatlus
Quetzalcoatlus – Coming Soon
Bite N’ Blast™ Mosasaurus
Mosasaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Tail Thrasher™ Spinosaurus
Spinosaurus – Coming Soon
Power Devour™ Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex – Coming Soon
Villain Dino
TBD Villain Dino – Coming Soon
Titanosaurus – Coming Soon
Back to Top
Legacy Collection Reimagined
Roarin’ Real Feel Carnotaurus – Target (Exclusive)
Chopper Chase Pack – Target (Exclusive)
Real Feel Indominus Rex – Coming Soon
Ultimate Damage
Scorpios Rex – Walmart* (Exclusive)
Indoraptor – Walmart* (Exclusive)
Hammond Collection
Small Figures
Wave 1:
Atrociraptor Ghost – Target
Scutosaurus – Amazon* | Target
Triceratops (Juvenile) – Target | Entertainment Earth
TBD Wave:
Stygimoloch – Coming Soon
Troodon – Coming Soon
Tiger Velociraptor – Coming Soon
Medium Figures
Allosaurus – Amazon* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Stegosaurus – Coming Soon
Large Figures
Spinosaurus – Coming Soon
Back to Top
Super Colossal
Mosasaurus – Coming Soon
Tyrannosaurus Rex – Coming Soon
TBD – Coming Soon
Primal Protector
Aquilops “Dolores” – Coming Soon
Mosasaurus Rescue Action Boat – Coming Soon
Back to Top
Micro Adventure
Basic Playsets
Tyrannosaurs Rex – Coming Soon
Spinosaurus – Coming Soon
Deluxe Playset
Mosasaurus – Coming Soon
Back to Top
Dino Reveal
Single Pack
Wave 1:
Velociraptor – Coming Soon
Dracorex – Coming Soon
Avaceratops – Coming Soon
Wave 2:
Shringasaurus – Coming Soon
Dilophosaurus – Coming Soon
Miragaia – Coming Soon
Battle Packs
Wave 1:
Prestosuchus vs. Stygimoloch – Amazon* (Random Wave 1 assortment)
Piatnitzkysaurus vs. Einiosaurus – Amazon* (Random Wave 1 assortment)
Wave 2:
Alioramus vs. Protoceratops – Coming Soon
Herrerasaurus vs. Minmi – Coming Soon
Back to Top
*Websites such as Amazon and Walmart also contain third-party marketplaces which auto-populate product pages when the item is not in stock directly from the retailer. These listings may contain prices above the suggested retail price of the item. Usually, when the item goes back into stock the product page will show the correct price, as well as the item shipping directly from Amazon or Walmart. Just keep checking, similar to “Out of Stock” pages on Target and Entertainment Earth.
Is the suchomimus protector pack coming or what? Season 2 has been out for a while now and season 3 is coming next week. Was it canceled or something? I really hope Mattel ends up releasing it
What do you think what happened rexy and blue
Fun fact about the mutant from JWR: If it really was an accident, then there is no way it’s going to be able to use its knuckle walking arms effectively in combat. The only way it could’ve gotten this way by accident is if there was disturbance and its HOX gens, Which would have Allowed it to become this way, but Other than moving its arms up and down, the disturbance wouldn’t give it the ball and socket joints it needs To be able to maneuver, its arms like an ape or a human would, so it can’t manipulate other objects or be able to swipe at anything. Possibly slow, yet precise jabs at best. It’s just want to be effective either, because it shows no clear muscle neck attachments to be able to perform a crushing bite. 🤓🧐
Goji center?
Does anyone here play JWTG?
If you do,put a thumbs up!
Mattel please produce a D Rex and please paint the finger nails, toe nails, tails and under sides of the Jurassic World action figures in more detail.
Yesss! They had better make the T-Rex accurately sized, accurately painted, With a decent amount of articulation.
I meant D Rex. And by accurately sized, I meant scaled to the other figures.
Jurassic World chaos theory season 3 trailer has dropped.
I’m going to start binge watching it when it’s the weekend.
list of animals i want in Rebirth toy line:
1. dryosaurus
2. thescelosaurus
3. hypsilophodon
4. muttaburrasaurus
5. corythosaurus
6. kamuysaurus
7. kulindadromeus
8. psittacosaurus
9. polacanthus
10. pinacosaurus
11. saltasaurus
12. oviraptor
13. darwinopterus
14. cearadactylus
15. barbaridactylus
16. clidastes
17. ichthyosaurus
18. champsosaurus
19. cotylorhynchus
20. inostrancevia
Sabertooth tiger
It’s Smilodon not Sabertooth anymore
3 new images have been released for Jurassic World chaos theory
List of animals I want in the rebirth line
Giganotosaurus remake
And Zupaysaurus!!!
I partially agree with you; Aquilops, Hadrosaurus, Utahraptor, and especially Oviraptor need to be released. However, didn’t Mattel already release Tarbosaurus, Kileskus, Qianzhousaurus, and Rajasaurus? Also, what about releasing Cearadactylus instead of Pterodactylus? After all, Cearadactylus originally appeared in the Jurassic Park novel.
Yah but the Qianzhousaurus was a new one
When I say Tarbosaurus I mean the one from hidden adventure.
I’m Scared For JW: BTG This Wednesday As This Comment Was Posted At 7:49 PM EST On March 1st 2025 and Tomorrow is Sunday Was The 4th Wednesday Of February 2025 And Target Didn’t Show Off The Real Feel Indominus Rex
Bro the d rex does not fit into the jurassic world franchise.
I guess. We’ll have to see. This is kind of their general mindset of it: Hybrids, epic evolution, The lucistic baryonx. Been there, done that. Let’s try our hand at something a little different. Oh, D Rex! Before you ask, yes, I did just quote poppy playtime on that.
New wild roar dropped!!!
i was praying to god for the euplocephalus
I’m scared for Beyond The Gates as it’s the 4th Wednesday of the First Month Of Beyond The Gates and The 2025 February Gate Crasher hasn’t been revealed
What would be nice is if Mattel actually released all their Jurassic Park / Jurassic World toy products in the United States. Not get everyone’s hopes up that products are being released for purchase and then side swipe customers / consumers and say the figures are cancelled. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense and ridiculous trying to scour eBay / Mercari / Poshmark to purchase them for double if not triple the price tag.
The original micro playsets were skulls. I have both. I’ll dig them out and do a video on em. They are pretty cool! Happy to see more variety in the toys.
They better not cancel the spino, moso, and D Rex.
I HATE the way that Mattel is getting lazy with the scan codes when I HATE the 2018-2021 scan codes and prefer the 2022-2025 scan codes
You know what I don’t understand? People have been complaining that the creatures in the Jurassic franchise are historically inaccurate. Now they’re getting historical accuracy, and a lot of people have been complaining about it. Make up your mind, humans! Can you guys believe that?
I’m not saying that I’m complaining that they’re accurate or not. You’re right, dinosaurs are dinosaurs, the people just complain about them not being paleo accurate, And the both non paleo and paleo acurate look great. People just should stop complaining if no matter what they get.
See, you get it.
Why do you have the Jakapil shown on a card with the name label of Lophostropheus?
The Jakapil is a very cool fossil animal, but it is only the size of a small dog. But once again, Mattel makes it ten times too big. Why can’t they put two or three small figures in a pack for the smaller dinos that are scaled with the figures and other dinos in the 1:19 scale line? Or at least, if they want to make a 1:10 scale figure of smaller dinos, also include a small one that is sized correctly for the 1:19 line?
well the jakapil fossils are actually incomplete so no one actually knows the real size of it
it’s on an article about dinosaurs i think it was wikipedia but I’m not sure
The Farlowichnus figure is just plain fraud. Now, I understand being creative with aspects that are not part of the fossil record, like color, or fleshy frills. Mattel had the chance to make an interesting dino that would spark curiosity about the one interesting feature of this creature, and the only thing known about it, and that is a footprint which has a foot shaped differently than any other known therapod. But instead, Mattel blatantly ignored the footprint and just used generic feet, along with generic arms on a generic body and slapped an obscure name label on it. LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME! This is NOT a Farlowichnus. Period. End of story.
Maybe because this is JURASSIC WORLD not real life plus the animal is an Ichnogenus
I like the original jurassic park theme song
I so agree with you on that my friend!
The Jurassic Park theme song is played at weddings bro,no wonder it’s good!
When I get married, I’m going to play it at mine.
same I also like the Indoraptor theme
will raptor blue be in rebirth?
Thank goodness. I hate it when they bring back the same old t.rex and blue into the picture. EVERY SINGLE TIME
How dare you say that about Rexy? She is the best character in the entire franchise!
I so agree! she’s the best Dino in the franchise. by the way does the new t.rex have a name?
I have no idea about the new T. rex name thing
I will KILL you about what you said about text and blue!!!
Maybe that’s going a bit to far…..
It’s not!!!!!!!
Sorry about lashing out at you earlier. I was just a bit tired that day. Respect that you can have your own opinion. But I still think that Rexy blew are the two best characters in the franchise.
I know I didn’t mean to be rude,but it true because rexy does have a pit to much plot armor
Good, very good.
will there be new plushies for rebirth?
Would Be kind of crazy if they didn’t. 😂
hey guys! the new mosasaurus can swallow a mini!
link for pic is here.
But We’ve Been Knowing
The matchbox, normal, or gaint one?
the medium one and the super collosal
Are there still going to be Human figures for Rebirth?
Me want the new spino now!!!!!!!!
Eh. Loving that they are bringing the spinosaurus back, but look closely in the picture. The tail as WAY too short for my liking.
pretty sure it’s mutated.
That’s actually something I’ve never really thought of. Go figure.
go check out sept23gaming on youtube. He has the scan codes for mattel dinosaurs
Good tip. I owe you one
Just give it to Marko makes and he’ll fix it
Me two but my number. 1 is titanosaurus.
hey guys! Lego has pictures of new Lego dinosaurs! A spinosaurus, a titanosaurus , quetzocoatlus in a new color and a brick built mosasaurus!
the last one is a tiny bit underwhelming because I was hoping for a non brick built one but they’ve never (other than quetzocoatlus) had any of those!
link for the reveal is here.
No they brought back the 2018-2021 scan codes I prefer the 2022-2025 scan codes
no way! you’re right!
you’re right. I like the newer scan codes better ( not the rebirth ones)
Yes. More waterproof
the new dinosaurs look different than what they did for the other jurassic world movies
yay! it’s updated!
What does everyone think about the Rebirth trailer? I’m personally so excited about the new format. Somewhat horror, but still probably PG-13
I’m not sure. either R or PG-13.
not sure tho.
I recommend checking out @DinoProyect3D on website cults 3D. He 3D prints lego compatible dinosaurs that lego doesn’t have. perfect for people with 3D printers
Official rebirth trailer!!!!!!!
The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer Releases Today https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/story/jurassic-world-rebirth-first-look
The new designs look so awesome!!!
So glad about the spinos back
Put a thumbs up if you Streep throat or the flu right now because I have it right now.
What’s taking so darn long to update the content on this site!? This is really getting annoying!
When is he going to put down
Iani Smithi
Rugops Primus
Also the ha spino and stego
And don’t forget the HC Troodon!
Me need more money because I’m broke with only 5 bucks but I’m a kid
New animals have dropped!!!
Launch ‘N Battle Vehicle
Dino Reveal
Battle Pack Prestosuchus vs. Stygimoloch
Battle Pack Piatnitzkysaurus vs. Einiosaurus
I Agree.I watched a video about the rebirth toys and they aren’t even on this website yet!
I can’t wait to see the new rebirth toyline.
I hope they make a new species
hey guys! if they make a lego movie 3 it’s gonna have jurassic world characters in it! they’ve never had that!
Hey guys they’re making a Hammond Collection Spino and HC Stego
There are adding
Iani Smithi
Rugops Primus
To the danger pack line!!!
Typical Mattel; they’re still releasing obscure dinosaurs, as well as previously released dinosaurs. Bring out a movie figure for Oviraptor already, for crying out loud!
I hope that Jurassic World toys don’t release mutant animals
so agreed!
They already released Rugops in the JWD line so it might be a re-release https://www.jptoys.com/ this is where the info is from
I think we can all agree that we learned many prehistoric animals from Jurassic World Play/Facts app
I learned postosuchus,Tarbosaurus,skorpiovenator,lyst-rosaurus,and more from these toys!!!!🤯
Or the original Jurassic World alive game
Bruh…I saw Herrerasaurus at Walmart on Sunday.
the styxosaurus is cool
Guys go check out the YouTuber swrve. Yes, that is how you spell it. His new video has some toy reveals for rebirth.
pretty sure a bunch of guys do
Wouldn’t it just be the same stuff as here?
yeh… I thinks so
No. It won’t. Trust me on this one.
An exited for the new legos tho
lego has shown pictures of the new lego dinosaurs! link is in an up above comment near the top.
Me : loving the new repaints and the scorpius, as I was not able to get it the first time around. Also loving the new legacy collection.
hmmmm! right! I’d like to see some!
Me Like new remodel of Suchomimus
And where is the Suchomimus Protector pack???
The four chaos theory figures that I need our Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn, and Kenji. They need to make more of those.
there is a leak on Tim’s channel about Mattel releasing new color change dinosaurs. I’m curious as to whether they will have scan codes or not, or if they’ll be printed instead of the usual scan code sticker.
that sounds cool
I love the from Jurassic world 1339-2025 toys 30th anniversary
from Emmanuel to, collect Jurassic
Accuwey ,it’s 1993 not 1339
(This is just for laughs and giggles,I’m not trying to be rude/know it all)
it’s not a leak it’s true
Maybe they will have 2 different scan codes?
sounds reasonable!
oya! sounds possible!
oops! commented twice
no way! they’re insanely cool!
‘Sigh, what nostalgia to have a color changing dilophosaurus that squirts water
I got one at target,it was the avaceratops and it had no scan code
did y’all know that the new ultimate damage scorpious rex and indoraptor are at walmart already?
bruh you’re actually right. on the website at least.
the jakapil is my fave
I’m exited for baryonyx peril to release
In the original toy leaks there was Nanuqsaurus and Maiasaura and i hope those appear in the toys and film and hopefully also Ultimasaurus in toys and film
I am agree with you on that my friend
At least maiasaura
I can’t wait to see the toy versions of those hybrids I mentioned.
Guys the director of rebirth has announced the new big bad Dino for the movie! It’s going to be a six limbed grotesque hybrid called D rex! He didn’t say with the D stands for though. There Are also going to be these awesome velociraptor things that are based off xenomorphs! I know it makes sound over the top, but trust me, it’s going to be awesome!
Sounds terrifying, but I’m excited!!
It’s a plot leak on reddit
It’d be the best toy tho
i am disappointed that we got more theropods, but atleast mattel was kind enough to make a hypsilophodon figure like i wanted, and i need more hypsilophodon.
Yes. The herbivores always get thrown under the bus. I get it, carnivores are cooler, but when you have too many of them, it’s not fun without a herbivores. Also, I am sick of all of the trike repaints. Mattel, if you read this: GIVE US MORE HERBIVORES
Does anybody play Minecraft here?
Of course👍 ! I love Minecraft!
Yeah but my table broke in september 2023 i’m getting a new one this year
i meant tablet
If we don’t get a Indominus Rex in Hammond Collection 2025 science it’s jw’s 10th anniversary I will go insane 🤪😝😜😝
I need an HC Indoraptor too
yoooooo that would be so cool
it would be cool to see one. the hammond collections are always cool.
Nice! We are getting a Purussaurus! Though I am disappointed that we didn’t get a Deinosuchus.
My fingers are crossed for an Oviraptor figure appearing in the Rebirth line!
We’re also getting a Nasutaceratops!!! And now we’re going to get some awesome new Jurassic World stuff with rebirth coming out!
So, what time of story time animators do you whatch?
Mine are
Tim Tom
Rebeca parham
And haminations with his buds
Finally! We get the Lucistic baryonx!
Oviraptor, Oviraptor! My kingdom for an Oviraptor! How long must we wait for the reveal and the release of an Oviraptor figure!? Don’t cheat us like Hasbro did, Mattel!
We’re finally getting the tyranotitan!
Do you think they’ll be a Jurassic world rebirth mutant toy?