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Jurassic World Epic Evolution 2024 Toy Checklist: Where To Buy + HD Gallery

By July 23, 2024December 16th, 2024News

Updated 7.23.24: New links added for multiple assortments.

2024 is now well underway, and the full stampede of new Jurassic World toys is upon us! Dinosaur figures inspired by Chaos Theory, Netflix’s followup animated series to Camp Cretaceous, are among some of most exciting releases from Mattel within this year’s “Epic Evolution” theme. This fittingly named upgrade to last year’s “Dino Trackers” line again features biome-inspired dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures — with a twist in the form of new play features. Fan favorite assortments like Legacy Collection and Hammond Collection are also making their return, as well as the immensely popular “93 Classic” toys created in celebration of Jurassic Park’s 30th Anniversary. As for other Mattel Jurassic mainstays like the Super Colossal and “Uncaged” series, we expect more to be revealed closer to the new year.

Dive into the Jurassic World 2024 Toy Checklist below for HD image galleries for each figure assortment, and stay tuned for updated shop links from Amazon, Entertainment Earth and other major online retailers. As always, bookmark this page and check back often for the latest Jurassic toy release details! And if you’re still on the hunt for last year’s releases, head to the 2023 Dino Trackers Toy Checklist.

All release information subject to change.

Jump To Core Toyline:
Epic Evolution Legacy Collection '93 Classic Epic Attack Hammond Collection

Jump To Other Assortments:
Super Colossal Bite Club Mega Roar Minis Basic


Epic Evolution

Danger Pack

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View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Poposaurus – Amazon* | Walmart*
Avaceratops – Amazon*Walmart*
Plesiosaurus – Amazon*Walmart*
Eoraptor vs. Stegouros – Amazon*Walmart*

Wave 2:
Kileskus – Amazon*Walmart*
Craterosaurus – Walmart*
Velociraptor – Walmart*

Wave 3:
Guanlong vs. Lystrosaurus – Walmart*
Apatosaurus –
Gallimimus – Amazon*Walmart*
Velociraptor (Wave 2 repack) – Walmart*

Wave 4:
Rauisuchus – Walmart*
Dimorphodon – Walmart*

Velociraptor “Blue” & Dimetrodon – Entertainment Earth


Strike Attack

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View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Kaprosuchus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Tuojiangosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Guaibasaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Velociraptor – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target

Wave 2/?:
Chasmosaurus – Amazon*Walmart* | Target
Gastonia –
Amazon*Walmart* | Target
Monolophosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Dilophosaurus – Amazon*Walmart* | Target


Wild Roar

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View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Ekrixinatosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Gryposuchus – Amazon* | Walmart*| Target
Megalosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Hesperosaurus –Amazon* | Walmart*Target

Wave 2:
Ceratosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart* | Target
Parasaurolophus – Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Pachyrhinosaurus – Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Majungasaurus “Major” – Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth


Gigantic Tracker

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View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Neovenator –
Triceratops – Amazon*Walmart*Target

Wave 2:
Mapusaurus –
Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Bajadasaurus – 
Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth


Chaos Theory Story Packs

View Full Gallery

Darius & Atrocirpator ‘Ghost’ Encounter Pack – Amazon* | Target
Yaz & Monolophosaurus Rescue Pack – Amazon* | Target
Kenji & Stygimoloch Defender Pack – Amazon* | Target
Wave 1 Case Pack – Entertainment Earth
Sealed shipper includes 3x figures


Chaos Theory Multi Packs

View Full Gallery

Moto Chase Pack (Kenji) – Canceled in North America
Darius Adventure Pack –
Ben Escape Pack –



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Mission Mayhem Truck Set – Amazon* | Entertainment Earth


Ruthless Rampage Allosaurus

View Full Gallery

Allosaurus – Amazon*Walmart* | Target | Entertainment Earth


Battle Roar Becklespinax

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Becklespinax – Amazon*Walmart* | Target


All Out Attack Tyrannosaurus Rex

View Full Gallery

Tyrannosaurus Rex – Amazon* |Walmart* | Target


Back to Top


Legacy Collection


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Barry Sembène ATV Chase Pack – Target (Exclusive)
Isla Sorna Expedition Pack – Target (Exclusive)



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Diplodocus – Target (Exclusive)


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’93 Classic

Figure Packs

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Dennis Nedry Track & Chase Pack – Target (Exclusive)
Tyrannosaurus Rex Off-Road Tracker Pack – Target (Exclusive)

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Epic Attack

Basic Dinosaurs

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Pyroraptor – Coming Soon
Herrasaurus – Amazon*


Chomp Back Baryonyx

View Full Gallery

Baryonyx – Walmart*


Slash Attackin’ Spinosaurus

View Full Gallery

Spinosaurus – Walmart*

Back to Top


Hammond Collection

Small Figures

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View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Velociraptor Blue – Amazon* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Dimetrodon – Amazon* | TargetEntertainment Earth
Owen Grady – Amazon*| Target | Entertainment Earth

Wave 2:
Pyroraptor Target
Velociraptor Delta Target
Claire Dearing Target


Large Figures

View Full Gallery

Carnotaurus – Amazon* | Target | Entertainment Earth
Therizinosaurus – Amazon* | Target | Mattel Creations
Gigantosaurus Amazon*Target | Mattel Creations

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Super Colossal

View Full Gallery

Allosaurus – Amazon* | Target

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Bite Club

View Full Gallery

View Full Gallery

Wave 1:
Tyrannosaurus Rex –
Amazon* | Entertainment Earth
Velociraptor “Blue” –
Amazon* | Entertainment Earth
Triceratops –
Amazon* | Entertainment Earth

Wave 2:
MosasaursComing Soon
GiganotosaurusComing Soon
Wave 2 Case Pack – Entertainment Earth
Sealed shipper includes 3x figures

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Mega Roar

View Full Gallery

Velociraptor “Blue” – Amazon* | Walmart*TargetEntertainment Earth
Allosaurus – Amazon* | Walmart*Entertainment Earth

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Chaos Theory Minis Multipack – Target

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View Full Gallery

Suchomimus – Amazon* | Entertainment Earth
Yangchuanosaurus – Amazon* | Entertainment Earth
Velociraptor Blue – Entertainment Earth
Dilophosaurus – Entertainment Earth
Spinosaurus – Amazon* | Entertainment Earth
Allosaurus – Coming Soon

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*Websites like Amazon and Walmart also contain third-party marketplaces which auto-populate product pages when the item is not in stock directly from the retailer. These listings may contain prices above the suggested retail price of the item. Usually, when the item goes back into stock the product page will show the correct price, as well as the item shipping directly from Amazon or Walmart. Just keep checking, similar to “Out of Stock” pages on Target and Entertainment Earth.

Join the discussion 479 Comments

  • Everyone should go to the Choas theory page!!!!!!!!!!

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    To whoever started this stupid password protection nonsense on this website: turn it the heck off this instant! You’re not being fair!

  • Ryan says:

    How do Jurassic World customers view the new content for the Jurassic World Rebirth toys? It is now saying password protected.

  • sakuya says: is one of best online toy shop for kids.You can buy toys for kids online at

  • Jose says:

    Why does everyone want figures of things either not in jurassic world or is in a game for jurassic world or barely appears yeah Iguanodon barely appears but it’s seen in the fire scenes and the JWD Prologue

  • Compy love says:

    Just got Plesiosaurus! So cool

  • I think he wants the Powerpuff Girls to be added in Jurassic World Alive along with the Jurassic World Hammond Collection Powerpuff Girls from Mattel.

  • Jurassic Man says:

    Imagine Mattel making the Powerpuff Girls for the Hammond Collection. Also, if the Powerpuff Girls were added in Jurassic World Alive, they would be apex. What are the Powerpuff Girls doing in the Jurassic Universe now?

  • We need more smaller animals like

    Better Mononykus model
    And Liaongosaurus

  • When are you going to make the 2025 checklist.Jptoys already did

  • Marco says:

    hass anyone found the gigantic trackers suchomimus yet?

  • We should get more ocean and sky varieties and another scale like mini bites so we can have sinocallopteryx and Compsognathus

  • Anonymous says:

    My son wants a colossal spinosaurus or a colossal Hatzegopteryx or Quetzalcoatlusto be made by Mattel. Here’s hoping ! Thanks for all the info you provide , it keeps my son’s collection updated!

  • Anonymous says:

    New figures are starting to release and hit websites, can we get an update on this page with the new figures for those out there hunting for the latest and greatest for their kids for christmas?

    • Jurassic World Dominion says:

      Yes. With Christmas coming up, there are a few figures we need to see. I know I just posted about this, but we seriously need Sammy and Brooklyn. Brooklyn’s pack could be her and atrociraptor red, with that vase for an item, Sammy’s could be her and atrociraptor tiger. The item could be another one of those chaos theory versions of tranquilizer guns. Those just seem like really good ideas to me.

  • Rexcayl says:

    I really want Epic Attack Spinosaurus.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Where the heck are Brooklyn and Sammy’s human Dino packs?!? We need The nublar six! Not the nublar four.

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    Once again, Mattel is being stubborn about releasing figures for characters who were in the movies and TV series! For example, where are the figures for Oviraptor, Smilodon, and Spinoceratops?! I’m trying to make a franchise collection, but I can’t complete it without those three characters! I think we collectors need to start making a petition to send Mattel demanding that they make the remaining franchise characters, in addition to other characters that we wish to see! Does anybody else agree with me on this matter?

    • I agree with you on that my friend

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      I think for what we’re getting, Mattel is doing decent. I mean, to them, we’re (fans like yourself) ask for screen accurate and franchise species, but then, a whole ‘nother side of fans want mercenaries (that might not be screen accurate), so I commend Mattel, trying to meet us in the middle. They do mostly screen accurate characters, and a greater variety of species. And also, you have to remember that the Spinoceratops and Smilodon aren’t really dinosaurs. One is a hybrid, and one’s a mammal. Mattel doesn’t do hybrids (by that, like Stegoceratops or other species that are mixed), or mammals (excluding that one fox in the beta pack). And the oviraptor has very little screen time, so maybe they think it wouldn’t make a large impact. Yet another thing to remember is that Mattel is thinking about young kids, and adult collectors. Us teen fans (assuming ur over 13) just have to adapt 🤷🏽‍♂️

      • Camp-O-Saur says:

        Unfortunately, Starsaurs, you’re wrong! Think about it: Mattel has already made three figures of the hybrids from the franchise (Indominus rex, Indoraptor, and Scorpios rex) and has already made several non-dinosaur figures (crocodiles, synapsids, marine reptiles, and pterosaurs), some of which were from the franchise. In addition, other dinosaurs that had little screen time have been made into figures (Mamenchisaurus, Ceratosaurus, and Corythosaurus), as well as dinosaurs that were not seen, but referenced (Metriacanthosaurus, Proceratosaurus, Herrerasaurus, and Troodon). If Mattel can make these, then they should make Oviraptor, Smilodon, and Spinoceratops! But have they? No! In other words, Mattel is NOT being decent at all; they’re being indecent! We should demand that Mattel make these three, no matter what!

        • STARSAURS158 says:

          Ok, you wanna go? Lol jk my man. Eh but you’re right, and I’m glad you brought up the three franchise hybrids. What I meant by hybrids are those that are mixed. Think about it, Hasbro made Stegoceratops and a Rex/Dilo hybrid, but Mattel hasn’t. And remember, those hybrids from the franchise weren’t bred, they were designed (sounds like “not from the front, but from the sides). And since Spinoceratops is lowkey just a mix of Sino and Spino, that qualifies as one of the types of hybrids they haven’t done yet. But don’t lose hope: knowing Mattel, they might surprise you. Also, I know that they’ve done prehistoric reptiles, but that’s just it: all the species they’ve done are from the Mesozoic era. Anything from the Permian is untouched. And even though marine and flying reptiles aren’t dinosaurs, they also aren’t mammals, so they qualify as dinosaurs in their books [young kids and adults]. And plus, for all we know, it’s a business strat. Maybe they leave anything out of the Mesozoic era to the other brands (like that one brand that made the $100 compatible playset), like beasts of the Mesozoic (which btw, is coming out with a Smilodon). So all in all, I think to sacrifice a few figures that people might not pay as much attention to, it’s worth it to pay more attention to premium figures, like HC. You have to be grateful that Mattel even provides to us fans. Frankly, I’m ok with sacrificing three figures, but getting the best Giga and Theri on the market in return.

          P. S. Please don’t turn into one of those fans that go “ugh, Dominion was trash” and “ugh, this HC toy is trash”, but if neither existed would go “ugh, I hate Mattel. They don’t focus on us adult collectors” and “ugh, I wish they had released a movie after JWFK!”. Those fans are annoying.

          • Camp-O-Saur says:

            Unfortunately, that statement about the Permian creatures is also wrong. The Dimetrodon in JWD lived during the Permian, as well as Edaphosaurus and some species of Lystrosaurus. Therefore, if Mattel can make creatures from both the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras, then they should include creatures from the Cenozoic Era, like Smilodon. Also, I’m NOT okay with giving up those three. I’ve bought figures from the Jurassic franchise since the Kenner days, and I’ve always tried to collect all of the characters from the franchise. However, Kenner and Hasbro never released all of the characters. So far, Mattel has released them all, save for Oviraptor, Smilodon, and Spinoceratops. I just don’t want to have Mattel ruin all my hard work, like Kenner and Hasbro did. FYI: There are probably other collectors who would agree with me on this matter. Mattel shouldn’t cheat us by not making these three characters, plain and simple.

  • ohio says:

    when will you update? new toys have been revealed and i saw a new toy of lophostropheus at walmart a few days ago

  • Marco says:

    The sucho looks so dope in he new trailer

  • Crumpetsmash3r says:

    No More new Wild Pop ups Collection??

  • Anonymous says:

    imagine if they made a hammond collection idorapter

  • Anonymous says:

    imagine if they made a hammon collection indorapter

  • Jayson Frierson says:

    I got the kenji moto chase pack on eBay from sellerBeastydotco

  • Scolocephallodominus Rex says:

    Or maybe a max level Scorpios.

  • Scolocephallodominus Rex says:

    You know what we need? More crocodiles. Because in my opinion, you can never have too many crocodilians.

  • Since Mattel has not make the Smilodon yet, I would pick up either the Beasts of the Mesozoic version or the Safari LTD version.

  • Toast says:

    Or a decent sized carno. like in my earlier comment- alll of the carnos exempt the new ones are so big, and as carno’s are my favorite, it makes me so angry.

  • Toast says:

    MORE HERBIVORES IS WHAT WE ALL NEED! carnivores always have the cool features, and that just deels so rude to the herbivores. I counted and 80 percent of my colllection is carnivores. they shoud make some more herbivore hybrids. Also- andybody else get that thrill when they realise that they have some dinosaur that tim doesent? I sure do.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Guys, the new Jurassic World movie is coming out soon. Next year, July 2. It’s going to be called Jurassic World rebirth.

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    I’m totally excited for the Carnotaurus from the new Legacy Collection Reimagined lineup! I honestly hope that the next one in this new lineup is Utahraptor. However, I still wonder this: Why hasn’t Mattel revealed figures of Oviraptor, Smilodon, and the Spinoceratops hybrid!? Will they ever be revealed!? I’m getting really annoyed here!

  • I would absolutely like Mattel to make a Doedicurus because it is one of my favorite Cenozoic megafauna mammals. As well as Gryposuchus repaint, Smilodon, Nothrotheriops, Woolly Mammoth, Megalodon, Kelenken, Megatherium, Andrewsarchus, Arsinoitherium, Amphicyon, Megacerops, Megalania, & Titanoboa.

    • I agree with you on that my friend

    • Camp-O-Saur says:

      The one that should really be considered is Smilodon, because he is the only Cenozoic creature to appear in the Jurassic Saga so far. Remember? He was featured in the Camp Cretaceous series.

    • Aidan says:

      Them adding irritator and now also scutosaurus to the hammond collection gives me hope that maybe they will make some other dinos for the hammond collection from the games (jwtg, jwa, the telltale games, etc) also here is my personal hammond collection wishlist : small figures charlie, echo, oviraptor, atrociraptor red, atrociraptor tiger, atrociraptor panthera, beta, baby bumpy, carnoraptor, dimorphodon, the tiger raptors from jp the lost world, herrerasaurus, compsognathus, troodon from the telltale games, compstegnathus, velociraptorix, paradeinonycus, tyrannops, ankyloranodon, jeanie the troodon from jurassic world live, smilodon, pteranodon (the lost world design), and moros intrepidus. Medium figures : iguanadon, indoraptor, amargospinus, stegoceratops, scorpius rex, becklespinax, ouranosaurus, majungasaurus major, allosaurus, nasutoceratops, adult stegosaurus, kentrosaurus, and edmontosaurus. Large figures : spinosaurus, indominus rex, tyrannolophosaur, and ultimasaurus. XL figures : mosasaurus, diplodocus, and apatosaurus

    • Craig wendel says:

      I like the idea but I have something to add with the megalodon they should add liviatan

    • dino nerd says:

      there needs to be way more indominus rex figures and more vehicles to be honest mettel if u see this pls make this happen

  • Jurassic Man says:

    I have discovered that there are two different color schemes of the Gigantic Trackers Mapusaurus.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Amazon is totally ripping people off. It is selling Dinosaur for $100that you can find at target for only $35.

  • Jurassic Man says:

    I found an asymmetrical Gigantic Trackers Bajadasaurus at Walmart.

  • Jurassic Man says:

    I really hope that we can get a Saurosuchus, Nundasuchus, Fasolasuchus, Arizonasaurus, Archosaurus, Deinosuchus, & Shuvosaurus into the Mattel Jurassic World toy line because Mattel likes to introduce pseudosuchians.

  • Gigan437 says:

    I would love an accurate sized acrocathosarus.

  • Jurassic Man says:

    Sauropods are very interesting. I would like to see Mattel make Shunosaurus, Agustinia, Dicraeosaurus, Brachytrachelopan, Suuwassea, Atlasaurus, Smitanosaurus, Amphicoelias, Argentinosaurus, Patagotitan, Camarasaurus, Dyslocosaurus, Lingwulong, Haplocanthosaurus, Barosaurus, Limaysaurus, Andesaurus, Amazonsaurus, & Supersaurus.

  • Jurassic Man says:

    Mattel should bring back their older species with retools like Ornitholestes, Callovosaurus, Amargasaurus, Gasosaurus, Postosuchus, larger Edmontosaurus, Protoceratops, Troodon, Shringasaurus, Minmi, & Tanystropheus to give it like better sculpts than their original design. Also, Mattel should make Bumpy the Ankylosaurus return so collectors who don’t have Bumpy to have another chance to get Bumpy. This toy should have the better button for the action feature and bigger than the other Ankylosaurus about the same size as the Hammond Collection Ankylosaurus and the club tail unattached to fit in the box like they did with the Hesperosaurus before.

  • Marco says:

    Who else thinks that they should make a hc mosa?

  • Dinonurd says:

    I feel like mattal is ripping us off with not adding the oviraptor in the lystrosaurs vs guanlong because the guanlong has the same exact skin pattern as the oviraptor

    • Syrus felski says:

      Yeah I agree.They might never release the Oviraptor and that would be a shame.But it also got it’s head ripped off in the movie so they may think it is not important but if they do I would be happy.(It will probably be released in a two pack.

  • STARSAURS158 says:

    Y’all! I got the new HC Theri, and it’s INSANE!! The tail has some new form of rubber that allows it to stay in place better, the neck articulation is very good, with more room than your usual figures. The feet are also well proportioned. It’s also very big, and only $40 (I got it on sale for $25 😉)! I suggest to any and every jurassic collector 💪🏽

  • Jurassic Man says:

    About five months ago, I introduced a new series of fan made Jurassic World prehistoric creatures and I have included the ones that everybody wants like Oviraptor, Smilodon, Spinoceratops, Acrocanthosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Mortem Rex, etc to promote Jurassic World Chaos Theory.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    When will they unleash Mortem Rex?

  • David Pace says:

    My local Target did have an extra section for the Jurassic World Chaos Theory toys. They even had the Hammond Collection Therizinosaurus in this section. This was absolutely a dream come true when I found the Becklespinax in this section along with the wild roars. I am not exactly to sure if my local Walmart will ever have a Gastonia figure because last time when I went to my local Walmart, they didn’t have that toy neither the All Out Attack Tyrannosaurus Rex nor the new strike attacks. I went to another Walmart and they had the Jurassic World Chaos Theory section but no strike attacks and this Walmart did have more All Out Attack T rexes than my local Walmart.

  • David Pace says:

    One website said that maybe Mattel could continue with their toys or an all new company should have the license of making the new Jurassic World toy line for the upcoming Jurassic World film coming next year. I hope Mattel should continue because I need Lythronax, Europasaurus, Xenotarsosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Oviraptor, Spinoceratops, Agustinia, Tyrannotitan, Psittacosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Gargoyleosaurus, Utahraptor, Struthiomimus, Deinocheirus, Euoplocephalus, Zuul, Agujaceratops, Australovenator, Eolambia, Muttaburrasaurus, Hadrosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Sonorasaurus, Archaeopteryx, Tarchia, Staurikosaurus, Prenocephale, Guemesia, Dracovenator, Coelophysis, Segisaurus, Plateosaurus, Anchiornis, Massospondylus, Eustreptospondylus, Torvosaurus, Poekilopleuron, & Dicraeosaurus for my collection. Then, a Smilodon for a Jurassic World Cenozoic toy line.

    • I agree with you on that my friend

    • Twig Ops says:

      I personally would like it if there were at least 2 more species of non-dubious herbivores than carnivores. Herbivores that we definatley need are the Wuerhosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Camarasaurus, Agujaceratops, Udanoceratops, Heterodontosaurus, Plateosaurus, Fabrosaurus, Euoplocephalus, and Muttaburasaurus. Ones that I’d like to see are Dicraeosaurus, Psittacosaurus, Saltasaurus, and Argentinosaurus. I feel like we don’t need anymore carnivorous species except Coelophysis. However in terms of omnivores we definately need that Oviraptor, and these non dinosaurs; Icthyosaurus, Smilodon, and Dunkleosteus.

  • DinoNerd says:

    I am a huge fan of the franchise, it fells like I am the biggest!!! I know hundreds maybe even thousands of prehistoric wildlife. Is it just me that they should make an Angel and Rebel toy?

  • Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait to see the Hammond collection therizinosaurus, Pyroraptor, Delta, and Claire Dearing. 😊 😃 😆I didn’t mean to send that comment of the random letters, I didn’t think it would sendnervous

  • David Pace says:

    I really hope that the new Epic Attack Spinosaurus, Herrerasaurus, and Pyroraptor should release in the United States soon because last year, there are only two Epic Attack sets that were never released in the USA and one set was canceled.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    The new waves look awesome!🤩

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    While I do enjoy the debut of the young Apatosaurus, Guanlong, Diplodocus, and a scientifically accurate version of Majungasaurus, I really want to know: when will Oviraptor, Smilodon, and the hybrid Spinoceratops be revealed and released!? They were in the Jurassic franchise, too! I’m really losing my patience with Mattel!

  • Allo837 says:

    New spinosaurus boxed image out on the JW collector app.

  • Krue says:

    I’m ready for the new BeckLespinax toy… what day will it release?

    • Jurassic World Dominion says:

      Pretty soon. I heard that it might come around in September. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. The becklespinax in chaos theory was awesome. Aggressive. It actually tried to challenge a hologram T-Rex.

    • Syrus felski says:

      I want the Hammond collection giga but not on Amazon and con’t go to target.Also want Becklespinax.Chaos theory is a great Tv show by the way.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is in stores now, I have one they were in Bakersfield CA. It had all the wild roars excepted the ceratosurus. It also obviously had the Ben Pincushion and Darius Bowman. I am soooooo exited for the new epic attack spinosaurus and the suchomimus with the Ben.

  • David Pace says:

    Did you know that I have the new Jurassic World Chaos Theory danger pack toys before Andy’s Dinosaur Reviews have them?

  • David Pace says:

    Jurassic World Hammond Collection Concept:
    Humans: Sarah Harding, Barry Sembène, Eddie Carr, & Ramsey Cole
    Small dinosaurs: Stygimoloch, Dimorphodon, Velociraptor Beta, Oviraptor, & Atrociraptor Ghost
    Medium dinosaurs: Pteranodon, Sinoceratops, Indoraptor, Carnotaurus Demon, & Allosaurus
    Large dinosaurs: Spinosaurus, Indominus Rex, Buck T. rex, & Quetzalcoatlus
    XL dinosaurs: Apatosaurus, Mamenchisaurus, Dreadnoughtus, & JP3 Brachiosaurus

  • Jurassictater says:

    a hc combo pack would be nice like the trex and spino clash would be awesome or the indominus rex against blue and rexy or a special pack for the battle at big rock its almost its five year anniversary.

  • Marco says:


  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    They need to make Mortem Rex. That would be awesome!

  • David Pace says:

    This morning, I found the new Jurassic Park 93 Classic Dennis Nedry Track & Chase pack at my local Target.

  • Dino Lover says:

    I am really looking forward to the release of the epic attack spinosaurus because it would make a great addition to my collection

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    Does anyone know why I’m unable to pre-order the Hammond Collection Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus on Target? I keep getting an error message every time I try to add them to the cart! Are they out of stock already or is the system being overloaded? In other words, what’s going on here!?

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    I wish that they’d make a Lockwood estate playset, with a collapsible roof, the Indoraptor, Blue, Owen, Claire, Maisie, Wheatley, Mills, and one or two mercenaries. It would have Maisie’s room, the Indoraptor’s cage, the triceratops skull, the hall with all of the dinosaur statues, a lab, and maybe the auction room. I’m aware that it would be a little pricey, but it would be awesome.

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      Well, first they’d add up the price of the figures previously released. Assuming every figure is $10, that’d be about $70, coming down since they’re bulking them together. The Indo would be about $30. If you’re thinking of a Manor with one wall down (like a Barbie dream house), that would be more reasonable. A collapsible roof and Maisie’s room would be about $37 (if it’s a simple joint mechanism, and Maisie’s room would be a small bed with some random toys). The Indo cage and a Trike skull (little known fact – it’s actually a variant of an Agujaceratops 😉) would be smaller than in the movie, for space reasons, so maybe about $25 for those two.
      The hall and lab would be smaller too. The Dino skeletons would be just simple pictures, and the lab could be maybe just the computer and Blue’s cage, so probably around worth $19. The auction room would be about 8 seats, and maybe a lectern too – probably around $38, since those small, detailed chairs would be pricier. All in all, I would Love that set, but it would probably come to about $220 (with tax). I would be willing to save for that 😀

      • Jurassic World Dominion says:

        Oh yes. I heard about that skull was actually an Agjuaceritops. I just forgot how to spell it, so I wrote triceratops go instead.

  • Anonymous says:

    He’s finally here, the HC Giga!

  • My name won’t by revealed says:

    For real though we need more herbivores. If I tried to make a Jurassic world out of my Dino’s I’d have more carnivores than herbivores and basically some of the only herbivores I’d have are stegosaurs and triceratops.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Why are the allosaurus tongues always black?

  • Note says:

    I don’t why but it’s probably because I’m still bitter about the Hammond collection gallimimus but I’m low key hyped we getting another gallimimus

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    What’s going on here? Why hasn’t this website been updated since February?

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      CJ left till further notice! He mentioned it in a post on IG, and he said that he’s fine, but he’s taking a hiatus, and since he’s devoted so much time to this franchise, he’d like to pursue other interests. He’s ok, just taking an indefinite break from the Jurassic Franchise. So I would suggest checking out other websites for updates. I’m sure he’ll finish up this checklist, and maybe others, but he probably won’t be doing anymore reviews – not for a while at least :/

    • Anonymous says:


  • Dino Lover says:

    I’m really looking forward to the release of the danger pack gunglong vs lystrosaurus

  • STARSAURS158 says:

    Goodbye Tim! You’ll always hold a special place in our hearts :,)
    Let us know what other hobbies you get into! I’d love to check out any future YT channels.
    You know, it’s actually funny, because I’ve noticed that a lot of greats have been stepping away. Some from Rocket League, and even that game theorist dude.

    We’re sad to see you go, but we wish you the best!

    Bye Tim,


  • Dinonurd says:

    the new chaos theory trailer just dropped and it is awesome

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    What is Mattel waiting for, the apocalypse!? They have got to release figures of Dominion’s Oviraptor, as well as Camp Cretaceous’ Smilodon and Spinoceratops ASAP! I’m trying to make a collection of all the creatures that appeared in the Jurassic Saga, but without those three, my hard work collecting the entire prehistoric cast will be all for nothing! Bring them out NOW!

  • David Pace says:

    Even though the Legacy Collection Diplodocus is not listed on this website, I am extremely looking forward to the Diplodocus but unfortunately, I didn’t really pick up the Dreadnoughtus and the Mamenchisaurus because they are too big for my collection since I only have an Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and the Hammond Collection Brachiosaurus. I really hope that I should pick up the new Diplodocus.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hope Mattel makes Deinocherus, and maybe more hybrids, at least the ones in evolution and CC. Maybe they could also make Maulasaurus and other concepts that were never used.

  • Dino lover says:

    I am really looking forward to the release of the gastonia and badajasaurus

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    The lystrosaurus is clearly just the same thing with a different scan code.

  • David Pace says:

    In order Mattel to make an Epic Attack Spinosaurus, they have to make a new head sculpt (probably the one from Camp Cretaceous) so we can have that Spinosaurus to be perfectly added to our Jurassic World collection.

  • Anonymous says:

    I hope they make a Mattel Gigantic Tracker Albertosaurus as well

  • Anonymous says:

    theres images of the All Out Attack Tyrannosaurus Rex and videos on youtube

  • Dino lover says:

    i hope that for the danger pack wave 4 theres going to be a ichthyosaur and a rhamphorhynchus.

  • David Pace says:

    Since it is true that Mattel is making the Hammond Collection Therizinosaurus, I hope the Hammond Collection Giganotosaurus should be true because a lot of fans said the current Giganotosaurus we got is not a very good Giganotosaurus model. I remember that last time that the Hammond Collection Indominus Rex and Hammond Collection Spinosaurus were stayed rumors and never really came out. Time will tell if Mattel is making the Hammond Collection Giganotosaurus. If it is true, I would definitely pick it up.

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      Well, with the Spino and Indo, it was never officially confirmed because it was the fans that wanted them. They never showed up in CJ’s Checklists. But since the Giga’s name is here, I’m 100% positive it will come out.

    • Abby says:

      Hammond Collection Figures Of Echo And Charlie Are Also Nessisary

  • TGI says:

    Wow, I’m excited to see what new Jurassic toys will be coming out soon! Collectors are going to love exploring the Epic Evolution theme and discovering the new play features. For those looking to stay up-to-date on the latest releases and get their hands on these amazing toys, I highly recommend checking out They offer a great selection of Jurassic World toys and provide updated shop links from major online retailers like Amazon and Entertainment Earth. Happy hunting!

  • marco says:

    Danger Pack: Antarctopelta, Coelophysis and Minmi 2-pack, Raptor #10000000000
    Wild Roar: Eocarcharia, Australovenator
    Gigantic Trackers: Deinosuchus, Torvosaurus, Tarbosaurus, Shantungosaurus
    Epic Attack: Giga, Albertosaurus
    Human Dino 2-packs: Eddie Car and Baby T. Rex
    Hammond Collection: Scorpios Rex, SPINO, GIGA, Allo
    Big Sauropod Figures: Diplodocus, JP3 Brachiosaurus, Rapetosaurus, Argentinosaurus
    Basic 12-inch Figures: Baryonyx, Mosasaurus

  • Dinonurd says:

    It is really cool that they added Ben to chaos theory.And the new design for the monolophosaurus is AWSOME.

  • Dinonurd says:

    That is good that they are adding ben to chaos theory. And also the new design for the monolophosaurus looks AWSOME

  • Anonymous says:

    We also Need a Shidaisaurus, a, Meraxes Gigas, A Fukuiraptor, An Edmontonia, Scolosaurus, Antarctopelta, a Coelurus repaint, a Cryodrakon, a Maiasaura, a Qianzhousaurus, Tyrannotitan, few more Dromaeosaurids, and the best of all… the CORNUSAURUS!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone agree with the plan?

    Danger pack: Coelurus, Antarctopelta, Dromaeosaurus, Dakotaraptor
    Strike attack: Fukuiraptor, Achillobator, Scolosaurus, Polacanthus
    Wild Roar: Cryodrakon, Qianzhousaurus, Edmontonia, Shidaisaurus
    Gigantic Trackers: Meraxes Gigas, Maiasaura
    Chomp N’ Tear Tyrannotitan
    Features: press the button on its head to open its mouth, move the wheel on its back to make it move side to side
    Ultimate Cornusaurus
    Features: move the wheel back and forth on its back to make its claws move, the button on its head to chomp, the button on its tail to make it do a tail whip to move the tail side to side, and the button on its neck to make it roar. And when it roars, the sound is like a horrific roar of the Jurassic World Dominion Giganotosaurus, like someone’s food is about to get devoured by this monstrosity. idk, I’m just spit balling facts here. It’s this T-rex giganotosaurus thing with spikes on its back, A mosasaurus tail as its tail, a horn on its nose, and antlers on its head.

    Swamp habitat: Tyrannotitan, Achillobator, Coelurus, Maisaura, Cornusaurus
    Tundra Habitat: Polacanthus, Dromaeosaurus, Fukuiraptor, Antarctopelta, Cryodrakon
    River Habitat: Scolosaurus, Dakotaraptor, Meraxes Gigas
    Savanna Habitat: Shidaisaurus, Qianzhousaurus, Edmontonia

    Every prediction but the Tyrannotitian and the Cornusaurus has the same function with the different thing being the Tyrannotitan having purple skin and an underbelly and the Cornusaurus being one of the strongest semi-aquatics in the Jurassic world franchise being able to both swim and run with is OP attacks. This Cornusaurus will obviously be in SSS+ rank, be a gigantic and strong monster in the second chapter A.K.A second season of DDC’s Journey and will be the main villain of Jurassic World Blackout.

  • David Pace says:

    It looks like we are getting another set for 93 Classic toy line. I hope that Mattel should do a Demon Carnotaurus with a capture gear and a helicopter with a Quetzalcoatlus and the capture gear for the Quetzalcoatlus.

  • Anonymous says:

    HC Gigantosaurus, is that a typo or are we getting another Hc sauropod and one that has not even appeared yet in any of these, lines, I really do hope it’s a typo and we are getting an Hc Giganotosaurus.

  • RassicJack says:

    Just checked a “wishlist” post of mine from 2022 and realized that two came true! (beefier triceratops resculpt, and Corythosaurus)
    Here are my thoughts on the 2024 lineup, as well as my current with list:
    Epic Evolution:
    Absolutely love both the species selection and the sculpts. The Poposaurus sculpt is so freaking good. The slithery, dangerous, snake-like look to it is just so appealing and unique. I wish this had been at the Wild Roar or Gigantic Trackers scale. Overall great lineup so far, other than the fact that you can’t find them in stores.
    Stike Attack:
    Again, great sculpts and some interesting species. Kaprosuchus looks like a lot of fun. I never liked the pricepoint of these sized figures, so I usually skip them.
    Wild Roar:
    This is my favorite line of the year and getting me the most excited about Mattel’s future direction. The realism has bumped up significantly, including the new soft and proportionate teeth. These teeth are a game-changer and make such a difference in the final product. The Gryposuchus is such a cool figure. I hope for and expect a resculpt for all 4 figures in wave 2. The Pachyrhinosaurus with a more vicious “bull” look (like Scowler from Walking with Dinosaurs) would be incredible.
    Gigantic Trackers:
    This is where things get weird. For me, Mattel sculpts usually look appealing overall, but can vary greatly on a continuum from realistic/aggressive (think Tarbosaurus and Yanchuanosaurs) to cartoony (Carcharadotosaurus and Bistahieversor). I much prefer the aggressive and realistic sculpts and this Neovenator is just too cartoony for me. The dog shaped head and the way the lower jaw is so thin when the mouth is closed makes it look like a character from the kids show “Gigantosaurus”. This dino looks WAAAY better with the mouth open, so I wish they put a stop on the jaw so it was at least 20% open at rest. The head is also a bit out of proportion again. I would have LOVED to see the current Poposaurus sculpt at this scale.
    Trike is OK. Head sculpt is nice, but the spike gimmick really crowds and junks up the frill area. The extra seams and botfly holes it creates give a cheap plastic appearance to the figure.
    Hate the spike gimmick overall, btw.
    Ruthless Rampage Allosaurus:
    I’ll give them credit for creating a more proportionate sculpt than the last large Allosaurus. However, this is another figure that is just a touch more cartoony than it should be. And again, another figure that was clearly designed to look cool with the mouth open but looks goofy with the mouth closed. Give us 20% open mouths please! I mean, the placement of that last back tooth just looks terrible, as if a little kid went in and added one last tooth after the figure was done.
    And again, dumb gimmick. Dinosaurs are interesting enough, stop adding dumb shit like spikes that shoot out of the back. Save some budget on these bizarre gimmicks and put it towards knees that bend or lateral chest articulation (i.e. the Yangchuanosaurus).
    Hammond Collection:
    Raptor is a huge improvement to the last sculpt, but still not blowing me away the way the Amber Collection Raptors did. I don’t really like the price point of the small Hammonds anyway.
    The Carnotaurus is an absolute home run in pretty much every way, just as the Hammond T-Rex and Brachi were. Also, really happy about the mid-size scale, including its price point. Can’t wait for the future of this scale, which I’m sure will include a Dominion Allosaurus.

    My Current Wish List:
    Wild Roar:
    Gigantic Trackers:
    Tarbosaurus (new sculpt)
    Hammond Collection (Small):
    Gallimimus rerelease
    Hammond Collection (Medium):
    Hammond Collection (Large?, i.e. Carnotaurus size):
    Hammond Collection (Huge?):
    Bull T-Rex from The Lost World

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      You make some very good points in your argument! But the Ruthless Rampage Allo is based off the Allosaurus in Chaos Theory, so it’s meant to be a touch more cartoony. And if you’ve seen the new box art for CC:CT, there’s the Allo. I also agree that they should stop putting attention on gimmicks and should focus on more articulation. I understand that kids enjoy more action, but c’mon, kids wouldn’t like articulated legs or abdomens!? You made a good point there.
      as far as your wishlist goes, I can really see Mattel coming out with some of these. With the Galli Re-release, they could include the 2nd JP variant, the one with doe-like spots. I actually would like that. With the Utahraptor, it would be hard to expect that one, just cause they’ve never showed a Utah in the movies. They aren’t too Canon. And even though the Concavonator wasn’t too Canon either, it was in the diorama at Lockwood manor. Actually, we did see Maisie’s Monkey toy hanging from its mouth, right? That’s what I remember. I can see them doing Olorititan and Edmontosaurus. Both are Canon. Oloro’s in CC, and Edmo’s in JWE. With the Spino and Bull Rex (Bull is from tlw, Buck is from Sorna, just for clarification), I can see them doing a Spino, easily. As far as the Bull Rex, I really don’t see them releasing one. They tried with the Crowdfund, but that don’t work. And as I recall, the figures for that set were exclusive to that set, so we shouldn’t really expect to see them release shocked Tim or cap Lex either :/ aside from that, you make some very good points!

  • STARSAURS158 says:

    Yo Tim! I love how you put the more recent comments at the top! Makes the article much easier to navigate.

  • marco says:

    I hope we can get a hc spino

  • Jonathan says:

    I really hope for a figure of Eddie Carr in the near future!

  • David Pace says:

    For our collection of Jurassic World Hammond Collection, we absolutely need a Hammond Collection Mosasaurus so we can make a scene of the Mosasaurus dragging the Indominus Rex at our Jurassic World shelves.

  • I agree with you on that my friend

    And you are right on that my friend

  • David Pace says:

    Since we got a recent discovered Stegouros, Mattel should release some of recent discovered dinosaurs and prehistoric animals like Meraxes, Guemesia, Vectipelta, Sierraceratops, Jakapil, Thalassotitan, Paralitherizinosaurus, Thanatotheristes, Tyrannomimus, Migmanychion, Turnersuchus, Maip, Natovenator, Tuebingosaurus, Sidersaura, and Furcatoceratops.

  • David Pace says:

    Mattel should make more canon dinosaurs and prehistoric animals in the Hammond Collection like Therizinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Allosaurus, Sinoceratops, Pteranodon, adult Stegosaurus, Spinosaurus, Indoraptor, Quetzalcoatlus, the Lost World Velociraptor, Dimorphodon, Nasutoceratops, Lystrosaurus, Atrociraptor, Iguanodon, Oviraptor, Stygimoloch, Apatosaurus, & Indominus Rex.

  • Dino lover says:

    pppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  • Dino lover says:

    Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


  • David Pace says:

    Mattel should do some dinosaur species that were mentioned in the Jurassic Park and The Lost World Jurassic Park novel like Cearadactylus, Dryosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Hadrosaurus, Maiasaura, Othnielia, Procompsognathus, Gravitholus, and Stenonychosaurus.

  • marco says:

    happy new year!

  • Dino lover says:

    I have a dino collection at home and I have 6 but I’ll get more like in 6 days the kaprosuchus will

    be added to my dinosaur collection and with this dino collection I keep them in there packaging 🦖🦕

    • Dino lover says:

      Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy NNNNNNNEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dino lover says:

    I saw ichthyosaur because they have never made it.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    We absolutely need a megalodon.

  • David Pace says:

    If Mattel wants to make the two obscure prosauropods called Euskelosaurus and Lessemsaurus, Mattel has to make two of the prosauropods into the Gigantic Trackers (about around the size of sauropods like Amargasaurus, Ampelosaurus, & Bajadasaurus).

  • marco says:

    Liliensternus would be a cool Triassic addition.

  • David Pace says:

    Since we are going to get a new Triassic creature called Rauisuchus, Mattel should introduce more Triassic creatures like Plateosaurus, Lufengosaurus, Placerias, Ornithosuchus, Desmatosuchus, Smilosuchus, Staurikosaurus, Chindesaurus, Asylosaurus, Procompsognathus, Melanorosaurus, & Nicrosaurus.

  • Lucas Oxby says:

    Mattel should do an Epic Attack Iguanodon and Habitat Defense Triceratops based on it’s appearance from The Lost World: Jurassic Park

  • David Pace says:

    My best guess about the Danger Pack Apatosaurus is a juvenile Apatosaurus as seen in Jurassic World at the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo.

  • David Pace says:

    I hope Mattel should introduce more accurate scaled carnivorous dinosaur species like Coelophysis, Teratophoneus, Gorgosaurus, Meraxes Gigas, Alectosaurus, Pycnonemosaurus, Suskityrannus, Oxalaia, Acrocanthosaurus, Sigilmassasaurus, Xenotarsosaurus, Dilong, Saurophaganax, Kelmayisaurus, Zupaysaurus, Gojirasaurus, & Torvosaurus in the future.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    We’re also gonna need a new, fierce battle pack. I was so disappointed when it was canceled, so I really hope we do another extremes damage spinosaurus.

    • Dino lover says:

      I hope one day there will be a battle pack sea dinosaurs because I think that would be so cool because there is none and I’m sure they would be extremely popular!!People would react like this seeing it.😃

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    We need a yangchangosaurus.

  • David Pace says:

    I was making my concept art for Mattel’s Jurassic World dinosaurs and prehistoric animals like the Oviraptor from Jurassic World Dominion, Smilodon from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous since Gryposuchus was introduced, and Spinoceratops from Camp Cretaceous. Last year, I was really glad that Bistahieversor was revealed but I am very disappointed that Mattel cancelled the Lythronax. I made a few sketches for my Lythronax concept. I also made a Tyrannotitan concept trying to make it excellent paint job. I hope Mattel should introduce Lythronax, Oviraptor, Smilodon, Spinoceratops, Tyrannotitan, etc in the future.

  • Yahya says:

    I want the gryposuchus for 69$

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    While I applaud the upcoming releases of Mapusaurus, Chasmosaurus, and Guanlong, I need to say this: Will there ever be figures Jurassic World Dominion’s Oviraptor and Camp Cretaceous’ Smilodon and Spinoceratops!? They are basically the only remaining members of the Jurassic saga’s creature cast that haven’t received a figure yet. So, what is the big deal here!?

  • marco says:

    FINALLY, we get a mapusaurus!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    I cannot wait i’m so excited for the all dinosaurs and the all waves 2

  • Anonymous says:

    I cannot wait i’m so excited for the all dinosaurs and the all waves 2

  • Anonymous says:

    These new listings sound good

  • Anonymous says:

    we need more water dinos there are like 5 water dinos and thats it.

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      What like in this checklist? No, Mamenchi is part of the past checklist—the 2023 one. It’s because it was announced earlier this year. And even though it didn’t release ‘till later this year, it’s going to remain a part of last years (2023) checklist.

  • Anonymous says:

    They should do an Acrocanthosaurus and a Mapusaurus

  • marco says:

    Oviraptor needs to be in the line

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      Ik, I still can’t believe they haven released one! I predicted it would be released in February or something like that. Oh well, better late than never…

  • Frank says:

    Exciting times for Jurassic World fans! Your comprehensive toy checklist for 2024 has me eagerly anticipating the new Epic Evolution theme and other thrilling releases. The HD image galleries are a fantastic preview. Ready to embark on a dino-filled adventure in the coming year. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

  • marco says:

    A gorgosaurus would be nice

  • Anonymous says:

    we need more herbivores
    in accurate scale, a larger iguanodon , lambeosaurus , shantungosaurus , saurolophus , hypacrosaurus , olorotitan , augustynolophus , torosaurus , brontosaurus , diplodocus , argentinosaurus & anchiornis , Archaeopteryx , ornithomimidae.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    I meant playsets. Not places.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    We seriously need more places. When I say places, I don’t just mean car sets. I mean buildings. Like a lab, jungle, terrain, and best of all, a Biosyn building. And also maybe like Lockwood estate. And maybe that building from Jurassic park three.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    But I would really love to see you call would be a six wheeled truck with a few mercenary’s, maybe also the truck that Owen and Claire and Franklin drove to get on the boat and off the island.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    They also have to make a boat for Jurassic World fallen Kingdom

  • marco says:

    There were 3 versions of the rajasaurus in one year so why couldn’t there be another eocarcharia a year after?

  • marco says:

    What about a repaint of the eocarcharia?

  • Allo837 says:

    Guys guys guys

    Nasutoceratops repaint?????

    What do you think.

  • Anonymous says:

    We realy need a new giginotus the last one couldent stand straight

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Or maybe the Barry onyx that was missing an arm in Jurassic World Dominion. You know, the one that it rain Delacorte. If you look closely, it has a missing arm that’s replaced by a robotic one.

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      Some of the Hammond collection Bary’s left arm can come off (I think it’s an error), so I think it’s meant for collectors to make the robotics arm 🤷🏽‍♂️ who knows

  • Jurassic World dominion says:

    And amargasaurus would be cool, too. Metal has only released one, and I’m pretty sure it didn’t even appear in the US.

  • Jurassic World dominion says:

    Mortem Rex would be the most amazing thing jurassic World has released since the camp Cretaceous t. Rex. PS, does anyone think that the Jurassic World giganotosaurus resembles Mortem Rex a little?

  • Anonymous says:

    We need Ultimasaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Yutyrannus, Alpha 06, Ostafrikasaurus, Lythronax, Tyrannotitan, Omega 09, Imperatosuchus, Deinonychus, Armargasaurus, Gorgosaurus, Dracovenator, Walgettosuchus, Spinonyx, Mortem Rex, Spinotasuchus, Spinotahraptor, Tyranolophosaur, Utahraptor, Olorotitan, Yudon, Tylosaurus, Archelon, Pliosaurus and Earthshaker Giganotosaurus for Wave 2 of the epic evolution toy line. Does anybody agree with me?

  • Anonymous says:

    You know what, we realy need more hybreds.

  • Anonymous says:

    When Jurassic world dominion came out i heard of an elbino indorapter, they should make one.

  • marco says:

    I hope they do a better mini line with new minis every wave instead of 3 or 4 new ones and a bunch of repacks.

  • Anonymous says:

    We need more sea dinos.

  • Anonymous says:

    you know what we realy need a air plane set like the plane from dominion

  • Anonymous says:

    They should make an indominus with a different pattern.

  • marco says:

    I would love for them to do a Hatzegopteryx

  • The Grand Chaos Master says:

    2024 is seeming to be a great year for Jurassic toys! However I do want to make a wish list for what I hope Mattel has made for next year, these are just concepts, so take this with a grain of salt.

    We’ll start off with the 93’ classic line, since it is continuing for next year, here is just a handful of examples that could be seen for 2024.
    Dennis Nedry Savage Capture Pack, that comes with Nedry painted in his Kenner style, some accessories like a spray gun just like the old toy, a hatchling dilo, and possibly a Pachycephalosaurus, (series 2 paint scheme) with included capture gear.

    Electronic Real Feel Carnotaurus, (demon paint job) with swallowing feature, (like the red rex) a couple roars, and maybe some included capture gear.

    Wrangle N’ Snare vehicle, a Bush Devil Tracker inspired set (cancelled series 2 paint job) with retractable string for the snare, a firing missile launcher for the top, and opening doors, and possibly a dimetrodon (series 1 paint job) like the original toys.

    Ellie Sattler Tactical Track Pack, that includes Sattler with her Kenner paint style, a firing net launcher, some added equipment, a hatchling Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a Pteranodon (series 1 paint job) with included capture gear.

    Now that’s out of the way, let’s focus on the Hammond Collection, (this is where I think the most potential for next year is.)
    Okay so we already know that we’re getting a dimetrodon, Blue and Owen, and that amazing Carnotaurus, but I’m gonna add a couple more for wave 1.

    HC Allosaurus, (BABR/Dominion paint job) same size as the Carno, with proportionate feet, glass eyes, (just an extra) No blunt teeth, and something that all Hammond Collection dinosaurs should have, waist articulation. Segmented/bendywire tail, (I prefer segmented) paint that goes all the way to the tail from top to bottom, screen accurate likeness to what we see in the franchise, and that’s about all.

    HC Vic Hoskins, with (you know the rest.)

    HC JP3 Pteranodon with the same thing going for the amber collection, but better, flexible bendy wings, (like the Geosternbergia) glass eyes (again just an extra) added waist articulation, screen accurate paint deco, maybe the alpha pteranodon deco?

    HC Indoraptor with an accurate likeness, proportionate feet and claws, sharp teeth, included waist and wrist articulation, maybe a gloss varnish going throughout the figure? Glass eyes (if done right.)

    Now this is just wave 1 for the Hammond Collection so we never really get any large figures until the 2nd wave, so Spino, Giga, and other large theropods are off the list.

    Now let’s move into the legacy collection, for wave 1 there is only 1 set for next year, and it will be revealed for Beyond The Gates next month, but that doesn’t stop me from speculating.

    Jurassic World Legacy Collection Isla Sorna Mobile Command Center Playset, with screen accurate deco, maybe lights in the interior, an attaching point for the trailer, Dino damage, and the lab part where you can operate on dinosaurs like the original, a sizable scale (in height and length) opening doors, a human character, maybe Nick Van Owen or Eddie Carr? And maybe an included dinosaur like a young rex or something else.

    I’ll probably do a second list when wave 2 leaks start coming out, but as of right now that’s all I’ve got. Maybe one of these might become a reality, and if they do, you know who to thank for foreshadowing 😉

  • marco says:

    Is anyone else having trouble finding the Mamenchisaurus?

  • Jurassic World dominion says:

    The guy in the video said that it’s being sold in other countries, but not the US. They better release in the US! Please make sure you do that.

  • Jurassic World dominion says:

    Can’t believe they canceled the final clash pack. I was really looking forward to it!

  • Anonymous says:

    One word “deinocheirus”
    For a water large.

  • marco says:

    Maybe they could do an epic attack spino

  • Jurassic World dominion says:

    Hopefully, if we all just keep pushing the aviary idea, they’ll do it! It should include the indominus rex, dimorphicdon and Quetzalcoatlus.

  • marco says:

    Also maybe do something like the Kenner dino damage figures but the box is like a Hammond Collection box so that the damage piece won’t get lost when in store.

    • Anonymous says:

      (speaking Five Nights at Freddy’s meme language) HarHarHarHarHar, HarHarHarHarHar, HarHarHarHar, HarHarHarHar.

  • marco says:

    What about a jurassic park legacy collection set with brachiosaurus and a parasaurolophus herd with a whole set of fences and trees

    • Toast says:

      YES! maybe even a remote controlled gyroshpere, and a set of fences with 2 ankylosaurs, 1 trike, 2 apatosaurs, 4 parasaurolophus, 1 camarasaurus, 1 stego, baby dinosaurs of all of those, the indominus,the gyroshpere building, and a gate that the gyrosphere can go through, complete with a whole lot of fences and the gray and zach characters.

  • Christmas Shopping says:

    These are all great ideas!
    What if there was a volcano or maybe an aviary that the Indominous can break into.

  • Cathy Wickmayer says:

    I’d love to see affordable, authentic Barbie versions of all of the main human characters from every ”Jurassic” movie!

  • Jurassic world dominion says:

    But will be cool will be a purple Tyranotitan. I know the specific color sounds weird, but I feel like a purple dino will be awesome.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Next up, a boat. Not the boat that they used to transport all the nublar Dinos to Lockwood estate, that be a little too big. I’m thinking something like the boat that the mosasaurus destroyed. Include two of the fishers. And an Alasmasaurus.

  • Jurassic world dominion says:

    And definitely go through with toast idea for the aviary. And make sure to include clear pegs for them to make it look like they’re flying inside of it. And you can clip them onto different ones and make it compatible with all of my recent ideas.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    For my next idea, how about a six wheeled van with enough room in it to fit in an atrociraptor in it. They should have tiger for that atrociraptor. maybe 4 to 5 ACU members. They don’t make enough ACU figures. And also include Barry.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    A Lockwood estate would be cool. It should include masie’s room, a lab, a elevator, a cage for the indoraptor, Lockwood library with a colappsable glass roof for the indoraptor to fall through, an extreame damage indoraptor that rather than scars revealed, it has holes just for the triceratops skull horns to fit through. Make sure to include the Triceratops skull too. Make sure to include Owen, Claire, Maisie, Zea, Franklin, Ken wetlie, and Mills Lockwood. Don’t forget about the auction guy! And maybe blue.

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    Make sure you do that. It’s I’m awesome idea!

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      It is! The only problem is that it’d be realllly expensive. I mean, wasn’t it like, $80 for a tower, some fences, a small dino, and a human figure? Can you imagine the price for three [new] figures, two large dinos, three playsets, and a [new] vehicle!? Maaaaan I can’t even begin to imagine the price…. It does sound like fun tho!

      • Jurassic World Dominion says:

        Actually, only one large dinosaur. The extreme damage giganotosaurus.

      • Jurassic World Dominion says:

        Plus, you didn’t read it right. It’s just one building. Not three places. There are no fences. It’s just a building, a giganotosaurus, three figures, the water feature, and a Jeep. And it’s not new, they’ve done it before. And it’s called a gladiator Jeep. Plus, I doubt it will cost more than 80 bucks. It’ll bring in a lot of money.

      • Jurassic world dominion says:

        Also, it doesn’t have to be that big. It only has to be like 2 feet tall and 4 feet wide. And a foot long.

        • STARSAURS158 says:

          Well, like you said, it would have the coffee shop, the control room, a landing pad, and a garage. Do you remember that one playset released w/ Owen and a baryonyx? That one was like, $70. Now, that’s just one dinosaur, one figure, and one small playset. Now, in this pack, we would have a large figure (giga) (I assume you’re hoping for a new sculpt), three scenes in one (control room, garage, coffee shop), a new vehicle (the Jeep gladiator (thank you for correcting me on that)) (and no, they’ve never done a Jeep gladiator before), and three All New figures. Plus maybe that water feature. And yes, no fences. Now, assuming the coffee shop is a small stand, we can bring that to… about worth $20 (with some handles and whatnot), and for the control room… two desks and a large glass window, yeah? About $37. If we include a landing pad, assuming it’s just a hexagon with a large H (if perched on a tower), we could amount that to $19. If we include a garage (able to fit one Jeep gladiator, a small key box, and a door), that’s worth about… $40 right there. If you wanted a lab, we’d have to include the blackboard, the desk, the locust and a cage for beta. If that’s on top of the garage (assuming we’d stack some of these scenes on top of each other), that could be worth $42. Now, that’s already $158 right there. So, you know, pretty expensive. Now, if we were to include Ramsey Cole, Lewis Dodgson, and Dr. Henry Wu (three new toy figures), they could be worth $40 altogether (remember, these are all new figures). If we include a water feature (assuming it could hold water and let it down like in the movie), that would be about $18. If we include a new giga (new sculpt) that would be worth $40. Now, all that together is $216. Bringing that down a bit is $200. The epic battle was three pre-released figures with a new figures. It was worth about $130. All three dinosaurs were worth $100. And a new character was valued at $30.
          So, I personally think they could do this if the really wanted to. But, since it’s a lot of stuff, maybe it could be more like another crowdfund. Remember how the crowdfund was a bunch of stuff? Well, they could do that again with this. Release it in small batches, you know? What do you say, do you agree?

          • Jurassic World dominion says:

            That is actually a better idea. Smart thinking 🤔

          • Jurassic World dominion says:

            Ps just look at the Jurassic world dominion checklist. The galtiater keep is in the vehicle section. It comes with a dracorex.

          • STARSAURS158 says:

            Ahh! I’m so dumb. I was imagining a core line vehicle. In that case you’re correct, they could just include that one. But yeah, maybe they could do that!

          • Toast says:

            I know I would buy it. But maybe the RC jeep gadiator , and It would not be in the set, you would have to buy it seperately. Then, instead of the giga, have a dilophosaurus. Maybe have a few plant features, along with fences. I think that fences would be cool to connect to , then have a copter like in the Copter combat set, along with 2 guards, the coffee shop guy, and the search n smash truck set. The garage would have to be very big, and able to connect to the coffee shop/office. give the Dilo some tracker gear, too. Then, have a connect point. now, another set could have the dimetrodon scene, with the underground monorail. The dimetrodon set would come with 2 dimetrodon’s, the gate, the rock, an actual roof on this set, and then Malcom, Sattler, Grant, and Miasie. You could buy extra track peices and the train, witch has electric power to get the train to go down the track, and it would stop every once in a while and open it’s doors. Now, the set with the coffee shop, have the lights actually work, along with all of the gates open and make noise. Each room could be popped off, and the door’s would actually open.

          • Anonymous says:

            Lemme tell you THAT would be very expensive. But still a good idea 👍🏽

  • Jurassic World Dominion says:

    What will be really cool is a biosyn building, that has Ramsey Cole, Dr. Wu, and Luis dogson. It can also have the thing that Rexey looked through. You know, the water feature. And it can include an extreme damage giganotosaurus. The building can have a lab, the coffee place, the control room, landing pad, and a garage that has the gladiator jeep in Jurassic World Dominion in it. Call it Biosyn building. Please include the Action figure and, Ramsey, Cole, and Dr. Wu and Dogson.

  • Jackson. says:

    An extreme damage giganotosaurus would be awesome. Maybe they could do a clash pack that includes a giganotosaurus and spinosaurus, both extreme damage.

  • I’m want a Wannanosauruus and Xenotarosaurus and Utahraptor and Jobaria and Nodosaurus and Lambeosaurus and Aucasaurus and Dilong and Torvosaurus and Sinovenator and Nyctosaurus and Tanius and Hadrosaurus and Rhabdodon
    and Centrosaurus

  • Anonymous says:

    I just hope that Mattel makes a Giga.

    • Jurassic lover, 123 says:

      Yeah, and extreme damage, giga, an extreme damage, Spino, and an extreme damage tea, Rex. Those would be be awesome!

    • Toast says:

      they alrealdy did- Dinosaur World84794358?ref=tgt_adv_xsf&AFID=google&CPNG=Toys&adgroup=87-16&lnm=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e

  • I’m want a Wannanosauruus and XENOTAROSAURUS and Utahraptor and Jobaria and Nodosaurus and Lambeosaurus and Aucasaurus and Dilong

    • Anonymous says:

      we need more herbivores too.
      in accurate scale, a larger iguanodon , lambeosaurus , shantungosaurus , saurolophus , hypacrosaurus , olorotitan , augustynolophus , torosaurus , brontosaurus , diplodocus , argentinosaurus & anchiornis , Archaeopteryx , ornithomimidae.

  • Toast says:

    like, a new one!

  • Toast says:

    I really like the new prehistoric crocodillians that they are releasing, although i would like a Postchucus

  • Toast says:

    HEY!!! jurassic world minis wave 3 is out!

  • Anonymous says:

    I think they should do an acrocanthosaurus and a mapusaurus and some more Permian stuff like gorgonops and maybe some Cenozoic creatures like smileodon and andrewsharcus

  • marco says:

    which do you guys think are better? Captivz or Mattel minis?

  • Anonymous says:

    I would love a tarbo and a spinoceratops as well

  • King Jacksonsaurusrex says:

    Or maybe Toro instead of a Tarborsaurus. Toro will be better.

    • Toast says:

      i would love some more carnotaurus that are not oversized. almost all of the carnotauri are bigger than the T. rex. they need to be smaller. i would also like a big Toro’s paddock scene, with darius, kenji, and toro with a little fence, and the feeding compartment that the campers can all ” escape through” or fit through. I would also love a campers treehouse. Like, since mattel owns barbie, they could easily make a treehouse, or the zipline, just smaller than barbie-sized. I really, would love a mosasaurus paddock, a raptor pen, and a paddock 10 playsets.

      • Toast says:

        I would also love a Pteranadon Aviary, complete with strings that are attached to the flying reptiles of all sorts, not just the new ones. It would have to be big, and openable. And, remember the april fools visitors center from a couple years back, with the 30th aneversarry right now, this would be the perfect time to make those things. I would just love more big playsets. When Kenner still did this, before hasbro, they mad tons of just amazing sets that were revolutionary for the time. If Mattel would just conider that, they could be a whole lot better.

      • Jurassic lover, 123 says:

        Yes I want to see more play sets to like the biosyn building where the T. rex and giganotosaurus fought. And Also Lockwood estate with a colapsable glass roof for the indoraptor to fall through. And also Main Street with Owen, Claire, her nephews, and rexey. And I want them all to be compatible with one another, as well as all the things that toast mentioned. And also the outpost chaos play set.

      • Jurassic World dominion says:

        They, without a doubt, need to make their treehouse, with all six campers.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean Tarbosaurus?

  • Anonymous says:

    Please make sure to do that. It will be amazing!

  • Anonymous says:

    What I want to see, is a battle pack with Darius, Sammy, Ben, Kenji, yaz, and Brooklyn. And bumpy. And maybe the tarbosaurus. It could be from the interactive camp Cretaceous episode.

  • Hank says:

    Yeah, that really makes me happy!

  • marco says:

    forest habitat: eocarcharia, nasuto, hatzegopteryx, microceratus
    tundra habitat: maiasaura, apatosaurus, minmi, abeilisaurus
    desert habitat: smilodon, stego, dryptosaurus, kryptops, hypsilophodon
    water habitat: deinosuchus, titanoboa, suchomimus
    hammond collection: jp3 para, spino(we might be getting this year), theri, quetz,
    legacy collection: set with pachy and vehichle with breakaway hood doors and windows
    minis: Piatnitzksaurus, ornithocheirus, irritator, giga with different colors, dryptosaurus, kaprosuchus, ekrixinatosaurus, giraffatitan, smilodon, minmi, pachy, apato
    damage: spino, atrociraptor, stego
    super colossal: pteranodon

    • STARSAURS158 says:

      I would Actually like to see Mattel go through with all these—great ideas MARCO!!

      • Anonymous says:


      • Toast says:

        I would love to see mattel reach out a little more, though. like a hybrid pack: fallen kingdom indoraptor, new indominus rex, stegoceratops, spinoraptor, and anklodocus.

        • Rowan says:

          The reason they don’t do that is because they sell terribly. The dominion battle pack (as far as I hear) sold pretty poorly. It was just too expensive. Unless I’m misinterpreting what you are saying, in which you mean a line. That would be cool, but I’m sure there are probably licensing issues with the hybrids. It would be cool though!

    • Jurassic lover, 123 says:

      Yes, I’d love an extreme damage spinosaurus.

    • MinmiGamer says:

      Maybe a remodeled Minmi, based off the Jwe2 one, because that one’s amazing and the old one is bad

    • Anonymous says:

      YES! this, with these ideas, mattel would actually be doing better!

    • D'arius says:


    • D'arius says:


    • Anonymous says:

      And also we need more herbivores
      in accurate scale, a larger iguanodon , lambeosaurus , shantungosaurus , saurolophus , hypacrosaurus , olorotitan , augustynolophus , torosaurus , brontosaurus , diplodocus , argentinosaurus & anchiornis , Archaeopteryx , ornithomimidae.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tbh a shantungasaurus or some other massive hadrosaur would be awesome. Something in the 30$ price range like last year’s battle damage allosaurus

  • Anonymous says:

    we need a Spinosaurus

    • Anonymous says:

      A NEW spino. NOT just a repaint.

      • Anonymous says:

        The old model is trash. The tail is to short, the legs lose friction after a while. Both of mine won’t stand. And the feet twist around too easily. Furthermore, the button to make it roar is hard to press and the neck squeaks. It is a relic of the fallen kingdom line. While yes, the dinosaurs are cool, we all must agree that the new epic evolution line is leagues better than the fallen kingdom line and dual attack.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, t rexes r better 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

      • Jurassic World dominion says:

        I want to see an extreme damage spinosaurus. I don’t have one, so that’s why I was looking forward to the fierce battle pack.

    • Dino lover says:

      We also need an oviraptor

  • marco says:

    I hope they make a gorgosaurus

  • Terry Nichols says:

    Please remake chasmosaurus

  • Camp-O-Saur says:

    While I am glad that Mattel is releasing new figures like Megalosaurus (The First Dinosaur Ever Named), Eoraptor (The Oldest Known Dinosaur), and the recently discovered Stegouros, I am extremely disappointed that Mattel hasn’t announced an upcoming release of Oviraptor (as seen in the film “Jurassic World: Dominion”), as well as Smilodon and the dinosaur hybrid Spinoceratops (as seen in the Netflix series “Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous”). Will they ever be released?

  • Carson says:

    I would like to see them make a T Rex Buck and Doe.

  • Anonymous says:

    I want to see a rerelease or the Lystrosaurus


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