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Open The Gates! Mattel’s First Jurassic Crowdfund Toys Are Finally Here

Welcome to the first Mattel Creations Jurassic toy crowdfund! The just-launched campaign on Mattel’s direct-to-collector platform details every aspect of this incredibly detailed collector set, from the 20-inch tall gate and deluxe detailed Ford Explorer to the excellent “stretch goals”. At 5,000 US backers the base items go into production, at 6K we get Tim + fences, at 8K we get The Lost World Buck T-rex, and at 10K we get Lex + goat with removable leg. Yes, they thought of everything. For $250 total, if every stretch goal is met this will be a killer set of toys.

Jurassic collectors, now is the time to make your voice heard and pave the way for more awesome crowdfunded projects! And international fans, once this hits 5k backers you’ll get your chance, too. Head to and show your support!

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